When [you think] You Have Nothing To Offer...
Earlier this year a young lady asked me to be her mentor. I giggled at the idea and basically told her, "I am in no position to be anybody's mentor. My life is actually a mess. A hot mess at that." Disgusting of me. I know. My friends said the same thing. Don't judge me though.
Despite popular belief (and my social media accounts), I'm often confused about a lot and my life is often in shambles . At least that's what it feels like to me. So the fact that someone wanted ME to be their mentor, was quite interesting to say the least. I honestly didn't know what I could advise her on. My solution to everything is to write it down and pray about it. Yes, that works for me but I'm quite sure this girl did not want to hear me tell her, "Just pray about it. I promise it'll all work out." She can go to her mama for that.
Fast forward a couple months and another young lady found me qualified enough that she too asked me to be her mentor. Once again, I'm like, "You do understand that I'm just as confused & lost in the sauce as you are, right?" Granted I didn't tell her that, but that was my initial reaction to myself. So I took it to God.
After praying about it (because,write it down & pray about it works for me), God quickly, and without hesitation, revealed to me the abundance of offerings I actually have. Dear Kia Imani, you have so much to offer this world even when you feel like you have nothing to provide.
I certainly do not have it all together but that in itself is an offering. The fact that I have survived several Mr. Krab Meme experiences can possibly help someone else who also feels like, "What is going on and what am I doing?!" By sharing how I have fallen short on many occasions could very well serve as the encouragement these young ladies need to push through it all. Maybe they just need someone in their corner rooting for them. Maybe they need someone to assure them, "Trust me, it's going to work out exactly how it's supposed to." Maybe I could be that person.
So while I don't have all the answers, and I'm very much still lost in the sauce, my experiences could possibly help these young ladies. So, you know what? I'm going to give this a try. I don't have all the answers but I have a few. And the answers I don't have, I'll do what I always do - write it down and pray about it.